
福岡女学院高等学校音楽科、桐朋学園大学音楽学部演奏学科卒業。その後福岡、東京にて福岡ピアニストグループでの演奏活動とともに後進の指導にあたり、中村学園大学・短期大学部にて非常勤講師を務める。2014年単身ドイツに渡り研鑽を積み、同年11月イタリアのルイジ・ボッケリーニ音楽院修士課程に入学、2016年4月に最高得点を得て卒業。その後は引き続きイタリアにて室内楽、器楽、声楽伴奏等の活動とともに教授アシスタントを務める。2017年帰国。これまでに、FIDAPA BPW ITALY グループより女性アーティストのための奨学金を授与される。Viareggio-Versiliaコンクール第1位、併せてライオンズクラブより賞金を授与される。在学中、選抜によりルイジ・ボッケリーニオーケストラと共演。またフッペル平和記念鳥栖ピアノコンクールにてバッハ賞受賞、室内楽では下田音楽コンクール、フィレンツェのPremio Crescendoコンクールでそれぞれ第2位、その他コンクールにて入賞。


現在、コンムジカピアノアカデミー・笹塚コンムジカピアノ教室代表、Estrellita International School of Musicピアノ講師、スーパー学童Bunbu学院ピアノ講師を務める。PTNA指導会員。大好評の子供に贈るクラシックコンサートを主催するなどクラシック音楽、教育関連の企画、室内楽、伴奏、コンクールの審査等の活動を行っている。


Kanami Noda

Kanami Noda graduated from the Music Department of Fukuoka Jogakuin High School and the Faculty of Music at Toho Gakuen School of Music, majoring in Performance. After completing her studies, she began her teaching career while actively performing with the Fukuoka Pianists Group in both Fukuoka and Tokyo. She also served as a part-time lecturer at Nakamura Gakuen University and Junior College. In 2014, she moved to Germany alone to further her studies and was accepted into the Master’s program at the Conservatorio di Musica L.Boccherini in Italy in November of the same year. She graduated with the highest honors in April 2016. Following her graduation, she continued her work in Italy, focusing on chamber music, instrumental, and vocal accompaniment, while also serving as an assistant professor. She returned to Japan in 2017.

Throughout her career, Kanami has been awarded the FIDAPA BPW ITALY Scholarship for Women Artists and won First Prize at the Viareggio-Versilia Competition, where she also received a cash prize from the Lions Club. During her studies, she was selected to perform with the L.Boccherini Orchestra. Additionally, she received the Bach Prize at the Fuppel Heiwa Kinen Tosu Piano Competition and secured Second Prize in the Chamber Music categories at both the Shimoda Music Competition and the Premio Crescendo Competition in Florence. She has also earned various other awards in different competitions.

Kanami has participated in master classes and concerts in Japan, Italy, Germany, and Austria, both as a soloist and in chamber music. Currently, she serves as the Director of Conmusica Piano Academy: Sasazuka Conmusica Piano School, and Piano Instructor at Estrellita International School of Music and Super Gakudo Bunbu Gakuen. She is also a PTNA certified teaching member. Her activities extend to organizing classical music concerts for children, planning music education-related events, performing in chamber music and accompaniment, and serving as a competition judge.
